Status: writing chapter two right this second!

Broken Wings, Broken Dreams

My Book of Shadows,

October 30th, 2010
Hey there, I’m Ashley, but everyone calls me Ash. I’m half angel half witch. I live by the prophecy. Or, well, what I can understand about it. My sister is October, but, everyone calls her Snow. She’s half vampire, half angel. We’re twins. We have dark brown shoulder length hair, we’re not size twos but were not huge. We’re really pale and always wear skinny jeans, tank tops, and converse. We have a little sis named Sabrina. She’s skinny and blonde. She’s a total girly girl. You may be wondering, where the heck are your parents? Well, they disappeared when we were ten. Sammie was five. October and I are seventeen now and October is more mature. She really helps keep the family together. Our mother was half witch half angel. Our dad was half vampire have angel.

Me? I go to just angel school, even though I’m half angel half witch. No one can know, though. We don’t get our wings until we’re sixteen. October is helping me learn more about the Prophecy. We don’t understand it totally. All I know is that I have to keep being a witch a secret. It says exactly this at the end:
Those of magic
Must never meet
Another Species
Anyways so, we’re dark angels. We go to angel school. October has a boyfriend and he is named Xavier. He’s a vampire. I am not dating yet, neither is Sabrina.

We have two dogs. One is have dog and have dragon. His name is Cosmo. He is a white dog with a brown face and large, black spots. Our other dog is half angel, half dog. His name is Curious. He looks like Cosmo but has a black face. Both of their wings stick out. Cosmo’s are thin and leathery. Curious’ are dark blue and fluffy, like October’s. My wings are dark, black, and fluffy. Our wings are about nine feet long. They’re beautiful. Sabrina’s are pink.
Gotta go!
Ashley Star Skull