Cold December.

Leah spent her entire life dreaming of that perfect boy. Handsome, strong build, thoughtful, adorable, smart, and first and foremost—up front.

Joshua's been played by girls so much that he's forgotten what it's like to be normal—although he's not. He likes those damsel-in-distress, down to earth, simple girls.

Entering Courtland, the two never thought they could find something—or someone—as perfect for them as each other. He knows the dangers of dating a mortal; the risk he puts on not only his life, but his families. To Leah, Joshua is nothing more than a challenge; something to look forward too.

But, what happens when after they become dangerously comfortable, they're love is put to a test, and a brooding, mysterious immortal has landed in their lives. The simple high school love turned out to be something far more deadly then they wanted.

This is an original story about a simple mortal girl, and two super naturals; a werewolf and a fallen angel.
  1. Gone.
  2. Doomed.