Meg's Story

The sequel to the worst story I ever wrote, these work as standalone. We follow a bunch of slightly dysfunctional teens who have grown attached to each other over the years, seeing it all through the eyes of one cynical 16-year-old girl, Megan Storm.
Also featuring:
Her sweet and loving best friend, Clea, she knows everything about people-matters and can tell feelings with a creepy kind of accuracy. 16 years.
Her nearly-boyfriend, Tor. Well, they had an almost relationship, but neither of them got around to confessing undying love to each other, and now they're just good friends. 16 years.
Her older brother, Jak,who recently recovered from depression and all that jazz. He's soft spoken, but sweet and funny. 18 years.
Her hyperactive cousin, Maiku, newest to the group, completely mad and chemically dependant on Coca Cola. 15 years.
Her old friend Eri, whom tor has a crush on. 16 years.
Eri's older sister Mentha, who is basically going out with Jak, although nothing is official yet. The most gorgeous girl in the world. 18 years.
Tor's older brother Takuya, ex-boyfriend of Mentha and now Jak's best friend, which causes some tension between the three. He always looks out for Meg, and there's a hint of a relationship going on there. 18 years.

That's the gang.
  1. Love
    Everyone stays at Meg's house. There is vodka. Need I say more? Involves swearing and underage drinking.
  2. Sobriety and Discos Just Don't Mix
    Somehow the entire cast is forced into a dance/disco/prom. Meg has to go all night without alcohol, becoming bitter yet amusing in the process. Swearing.