The Final Note

Hunter lived alone. Always alone, until she meets Zephyr, a punk-rock alternative girl, with big ideas, big dreams and big plans involving Hunter and her guitar..... can Hunter pull it off or is it just another one of those things that gets dropped, leaving her up sh*t creek, without a paddle?
  1. Chapter 1- Isolation
    An introduction to Hunter Skylines...
  2. Chapter 2: Expect The Unexpected...
    Major shock involving Jim, Hunter's best mate and the trouble he's got into at uni.... can Hunter help out?
  3. Chapter 3 - Punked up to Rock out!
    Enter Zephyr, stage right! She's punk, alternative and she has a thing or two to teach Hunter!!! Rock on dudes!!!
  4. Chapter 4 - The Girl with the Broken Smile
    Three months on from the last chapter and things had calmed down between Hunter and Smithy, but now things are about to heat up again... in an entirely different way!