Nexus - The Archives

Nexus, galaxy of warfare intetwined with peace, laced with dustruction and flourished with havens. Containing a total of nineteen planets and nye infinite comets, both physics and organisms force havoc upon the worlds within.

Nexus, the most influential planet within the galaxy bearing the same name, hosts the one of the most tyranic and awesome empires. The Nexus Empire thrives to overthrow the pirates and corsairs that thrive within their world, their solar system and throughout their area that falls under their reign of fear and dark terror.

The Archives host almost all reports corresponding between battalions, regiments, sectors and officials. The Archives is almost another world of information and documentation, forged over thousands of years. The reports give both vital background information and current data on a metaphorical bestiary that the Nexus Empire so direly rely upon. In total, over three thousand unconfirmed organisms, a select few highly classified in the cryptozoology field.

Highly ranked and respected officials of the military have assumed one thing into their perspective on their life. Never assume that a report from The Archive is false or misleading. If it claims a machine has gained life and unleashed hell from it's hinges, for all sakes and purposes, that is exactly the event that occured at the noted date.
  1. The Birth of Nexus
    A brief summary of the vast events that occured to produce one of the most volatile enviroments in the known universe.
  2. The Ravenous Sea
    Humanities greatest threat is often itself. One planet's falling was the waves of hell upon others.