
This is a sequel to Deceived

Life has never been easy. Especially for Andrayka Angiol. Being a female assassin in a male dominated world is hard enough, but then having to follow that of who she grew up hating? Because her father-like-figure and leader got himself killed? Things weren't going well. Add onto that a new group rolling into town, new proteges and you get a whole new mess of problems. Mix in a new weapon maker who actually knows her identity, and things get even more complicated.

  Home. Simple word. To the point. Meaningful. To most.
To me, home is a word that should be uttered in reverence. If anyone had asked me five months ago, I would have just tossed the word out. The base was home. Jake was home. Zane and, surprisingly Flint, was home. Now? Jake was dead, having lied to me my whole life. Flint I wanted to shoot, and although I tried, and Zane tried, things just seemed... off. I suppose it could be due to the fact he got tortured, or maybe that I found out I actually have a blood brother, something I had no clue of.