Status: Done =)

The Life and Times of A Chili Peppers Addict

Dani's whole life seemed to revolve around the music she grew up with, The Red Hot Chili Peppers. Their music brought her memories of her life in Alabama, and her loving father. Now, trying to give up a life that was coming to an end, she finds herself making her way to California with nothing but her old 69 Camaro, and the songs that she had shared and loved with her father.
  1. Chapter One : Dani California
    On her was to Cali, Dani, is stopped in Phoenix. and good things start to happen.
  2. Dosed
  3. Midnight and Snow
  4. By The Way
  5. Dont Forget Me
  6. No Music
  7. Under The Bridge
  8. A song of silence