Status: Completed

Falling for the Sick (Eli Goldsworthy Fanfiction)

It's been said and done - Eli and Clare are no longer. And through it all, Eli has yet to face more. A new girl, a new love, a chance at a new life.
Maybe Eli doesn't have to beg for Clare's attention anymore.
Maybe Eli doesn't have to cling onto Clare much longer.
Maybe Eli has finally...

...moved on.
  1. New Beginnings
    Lovely Lucy Harlow Knight moves fresh from Washington state to Toronto, Canada. Exciting..
  2. A Chance Meeting
    And so they finally meet, Lucy and Eli.
  3. "So, you and Eli, huh?"
    Lucy and Eli are DEFINITELY developing SOME kind of chemistry at this point.
  4. "What if it was because I think I'm falling for you!?"
    Yes, it's true. Someone's developing serious feelings for the other.
  5. I'm Falling for the Sick
    And Lucy finally comes to the realization of what she's really in for..
  6. Confrontations
    Yikes; could one rash move tear this relationship, or could it possibly build it?
  7. Kiss and Tell
    It seems as if Lucy's kiss with Eli really will break up a relationship...but is it her relationship with Eli's? Or with somebody else?
  8. I Can't Do This Anymore
    Caught in the middle between her best friend and her looks like Lucy's about to give up and just leave everything behind in the dust..
  9. "What are you talking about?!"
    It's going downhill fast. Lucy's turned into a human robot - not giving a damn about anything. It's as if Eli doesn't exist; as if she never met him; as if he doesn't even exist, period.
  10. I...I Can't.
    It all ends here. The only question is: HOW will it end?