I've Fallen in Love With You, One Too Many Times


“Hey Justin, what’s up?”

She pressed the phone to her ear intrigued to hear what he had to say.

“I’m leaving”

Skyler’s smile fell and she stared at the blank wall in front of her confused.

“What do you mean you’re leaving?” she questioned panicked

“I’m moving to Atlanta for a while Sky, but don’t worry I’ll keep in touch, but I’ve got to go now Bye Sky”

A year went by, and that was the last phone call Justin ever made to Skyler after leaving. She was upset at the facts and decided to not wait by the phone anymore, instead she joined sports such as basketball, soccer and girl’s hockey, just to keep her mind off Justin. During these sports, she met Ryan Butler and Chaz Somers, some of Justin’s old friends who are upset at the fact he barely keeps contact.

As another year rolls by they hear in the tabloids Justin’s heart has been captured by Wizards of Waverly Place star, Selena Gomez. And you can only guess how heartbroken Skyler is, for she had fallen head over heels for Justin as they grew up together. Ryan and Chaz take months to comfort her and finally she gets him out of her mind as her feelings go more distant from him. But, that’s all going to change.

When Justin get’s homesick, he’s on his way back to Canada for Christmas and New Year’s, where Skyler’s not to thrilled to see him and neither are Chaz nor Ryan. For the past few months he’d been so distant from all of them and they had finally given up on being actual friends with him. So, for the month and a half Justin’s back in town his mission is to get them all on his side again and maybe even get Skyler to fall in love with him again.