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She's A Rebel


She's Mommy's little angel. The good girl. She is the perfect child She does what she's told when she's told to and doesn't complain or whine. Her mother rules her life and Devynn doesn't try to stop it. She's the average teen girl without all the perks. Her mom has banned skinny jeans, hair dye, piercings, any music besides classical, and most of all boys. She has put up with this for seventeen years and is still going, but not for long. Devynn longs for escape. She wants to dress how she wants, pierce whatever she wants, dye her hair however she wants, and listen to music she wants to listen to. This small, skinny, awkward teen would do anything to fit in. She hates the way her mommy makes her be and wants to be a self expressing typical teen girl.


Hes an emancipated teen asshole. He's the worst guy for a girl to be with. He's a drug addict, and alcoholic, and an unloving lying jerk, but the girls want him anyway. To put it simply he'll date you for a week, fuck you, and leave you for the next in line. Total fucking jerk. He's the town bad boy. The one Mothers hate while their teenage girls fawn all over him. The boys want to be him and the girls want to be with him. All but one anyway. He's seen her walking through the halls in baggy clothes and her brown hair hanging down into her face. He couldn't careless, or at least he acts like it. He has no idea why she's not all over him and trying to be with him. He is just to curious. Nikolai just wants to fly by in life unnoticed. He never gets his way or controls himself in ways he wishes he did.