Status: New Story! ^-^

I'm Taking Back the Life You Stole

Hi guys! Neon Angel here! No-not there! Here! HERE! Phew, now that I have your attention...
Hi! I'm Neon Angel, I'm slightly psychotic, I'm a bit of a sadist(ironic huh?), I have the mouth of a sailor and I have kick ass hair! And I have a best friend, Violet Vengeance. I'd introduce you, but you'll be meeting her soon anyway. Now, I wasn't always known as Neon Angel, and I didn't always have kick ass hair. This is a story of how I came to be known-permanently, as Neon Angel. And also about how I ended up killing things, smashing shit up and to sum it all up...become an outlaw.
But I would never change my life for anything. I love being a Killjoy and I ALWAYS fly my colours.
Keep it ugly!


Look alive, killjoys! Violet Vengeance here to help kick BL/i's ass and save the day! This is the story of how my best friend, Neon Angel, came to be not only like a sister to me, but a badass partner and fellow killjoy! Not to mention, how I even came to be myself! So hold on tight, y'all, cause this'll be a bumpy ride! In fact, it might be the last of all the rides we take - so hold on tight and don't look back!
Violet Vengeance signing out!

DISCLAIMER: We don't own anyone who can be Googled and get over a million hits. That's rather obvious. Plus, we're not into the rebirth of slavery.

Title Credit: It's Not A Fashion Statement, It's A Fucking Deathwish by My Chemical Romance.