Status: So this was originally a one-shot...but people wanted me to continue it. So here goes!

I Give My Heart To You

Alice and Jimmy had been friends for years. They were practically siblings that had been separated at birth. She was a year younger than him, but it had never mattered.
After the last exams of the year were done, he convinced her to come to the beach with him so she could hang out with him and his friends Matt, Brian, and Zacky. Their friend's little brother Johnny had also weaseled his way into tagging along. It was more so he could get to talk to Alice than anything else.
Once she gets to the beach though, it soon becomes evident that Johnny isn't the only one after her heart. A determined Zacky proves to be a force to be reckoned with.
The day is filled with laughs, a few glares, drinks, fireworks, and good times shared between friends. It's the perfect way to kick-start the summer.
But, when all is said and done, where will everyone's heart land?