Born for This

Katie Burke (Koti Rose),Emilie Meadow (Jessica Alba) and Kaida Steward (Sara Paxton) started a band 4 years ago called Electirc Bats, 4 years on and they finally get reconized and signed! The girls are extatic when Avenged Sevenfold ask them to support them on their U.S.A tour!
  1. Big News!
    Wrote by Little-Miss-Evil in Kaida's point of View
  2. Surprise
    Written by BlueRules. Emilie's POV.
  3. I must be dreaming
    Written in Katies point of view, written by Curlyteddy
  4. Beach
    Wrote by Little-Miss-Evil in Kaida's POV
  5. Cola!
    Emilies POV
  6. The Ocean
    Written in Katie's POV
  7. Vanessa
    Wrote by Little-Miss-Evil in Kaida's POV
  8. Home Time
    Emilies POV.
  9. Drunk
    Written in Katies Point Of View
  10. Get Stoned
    Wrote by Little-Miss-Evil in Kaida's POV
  11. Choices
    Emilies Pov.