A Parent/Teacher Conference

To start off, I suck at summaries so please bear with me.

If you haven't read "A Student/ Teacher Relationship," there is no point in reading this, because you will be drastically confused.

To the readers who read and liked my first story, I hope you like this one even more and don't crucify me. This is something you'll have to read and find out, because I don't know where it's going.

Song references are being used in creative license since I made a timeline of my own in the story. I'll use songs from all of their albums except American Idiot and possible Shennanigans. I wonder if I missed anything....

I'm throwing away the whole "I won't post till I get 5 comments" rule, because I can't stay loyal to it and I apologize. I lost sight to why I'm writing this and it shouldn't be about the comments. I'll post whenever I have the time. Comments are sincerely appreciated though. They motivate me to keep going.
Read and enjoy....hopefully.
  1. Happy Birthday!
    I really hope you like this.
  2. Don't Worry, Your Secret's Safe.
    I am so sorry for the ridiculour wait. I moved so my internet was cut off. It won't happen again.// This is kind of long and a tad cheesy, but I'm not one to be skilled in writing about happy couples.
  3. Maybe?
    Things have been hectic, and I broke my promise, Shame on me. /// Please don't depend on me to pm, because of yeah, but instead subscribe.
  4. Send or Delete.
    I would post another, but I'm going away this weekend and I won't have time. Sorry.
  5. Departing.
  6. Breathe, Just Breathe.
    Please read author's note.
  7. Billie, You Remember Ben...
    Finally, I know.I'm sick of bombarding you all with excuses, but please know this long wait was justified.
  8. Do You Have Any Guiness?
  9. No Time Like the Present.
  10. I Shouldn't Be Here. I Shouldn't Be Doing This.
  11. Feel Better?
  12. She Looks Like You, Ya Know.
  13. Who?
  14. You're The Only One.
  15. Demolition Lovers
  16. I'll Try
  17. And What Do You Think I Deserve?
  18. You're Right, Billie.
    The first part really has nothing to do with the story so don't worry. Thanks for the comments!
  19. Why Do You Care?
  20. Uncle Billie.
    I had to. I couldn't wait, because these two chapters is the beginning where "the shit goes down."
  21. Where is Nonsense? In the Heart or in the Head?
  22. So You're Saying It's Over.
  23. I'm Not A Vampire.
    I know it's short. I'm sorry.
  24. You're Hired.
    I felt guilty. The last chapter was too short so here's this.
  25. I Never Wanted You This Way.
  26. You'll Look Pretty Dead.
  27. Rotting Inside.
  28. I'm Nothing Like Him.
  29. So Long & Good Night.
  30. Pop!
  31. Welcome to the Family
  32. When Did I Become Such a Bad Mother?
  33. Kiss the Bride.
  34. Hot.
  35. One For The Razorbacks.
  36. You're Waking Up.
  37. Doe Eyes
  38. Everything Will Be Alright...
  39. I Should be Okay.
  40. I Pity You!
  41. You Don't Like It.
  42. Close Your Eyes, Gerard.
  43. Randomness
  44. Huh?
  45. Take Care of Her.
  46. I Don't Like Her.
  47. The Evil Stepmother.
  48. You Mean That Hell Hole?
  49. I Shouldn't Be Dealing With This.
  50. I Really Shouldn't Be Dealing With This.
  51. Church on Sunday
  52. The Third!