Status: So this will be a Kellic Fanfic, you little fans just give me some inspiration ya' hear ;D

Yeah Boy and Doll Face

Kellin's p.o.v
"Get the fuck out you little shit! Get out now!!" he yelled violently. I closed my eyes so tight that they hurt. They hurt just as bad as my heart did. I took a deep breath and shouted out to him "Fuck you then!" I paused a slight second to think "Send me off to some boarding school over something I had no control over! Shows how much you love me you cold hearted fuck!" He shoved me out with my belongings. "Fucking great." I breathed. My parents kicked me out due to my addiction to crystal meth..Its only because that sperm doner of a "Father" Beats me.. Maybe this boarding school wont be bad. I wont have to keep in touch with the man anymore. Besides I turn 18 Tuesday. "I don't know how I feel about this whole situation yet..but lets get this fucking party started!"
  1. Welcome stranger.
    Kellin meets his room mate, and makes some friends.
  2. Your nickle aint worth my dime.
    Kellin's first day of class...And first day of mind ***.
  3. Burn.
    Vic takes Kellin on a trip he wont soon forget.
  4. Disasterology.
    Kellin and Vic spend there tuesday together, but near the end of there day, Kellin meets someone he isn't so fond of.
  5. It never ends.
    Kellin is noticing a certain someones fluttery feelings twards him..what does Vic have in store from this certain trouble maker?
  6. When everythings meant to be broken.
    A fight brawls in Mr.Fuentes classroom.
  7. Rebound.
    Kellin starts to notice how sketchy Vic and Alex really are, This detention causes Kellin a major breakdown.
  8. I want you in the most unromantic ways.
    Vic realizes how badly he has hurt Kellin, He decides to take the week off of work, Its now Sunday, and Vic still can't forgive himself.