‹ Prequel: Beach
Sequel: Nyctophilia
Status: Drabble/Finished/Completed



Have you ever seen a floor covered in blood? At first glance there is a simple beauty to it and how it contrasts with the white linoleum. It doesn't immediately register that what you're looking at is actually blood. Slowly stiffness builds up in your body as your mind begins to realize that the beauty is actually life's essence. Then what was a simple beauty becomes repulsion.

it’s the fourteenth part of the ''Tales of the Past'' series.

-Word count-

Story is mine, written by me, edited by The Red Tazelwurm, posted by me. You steal I'll toast you alive, comprende? Constructive criticism is more than welcome.

-Written for these Contests-
Prompt Much?
A Quickie Contest
Drabble Me to Death

Review on Mibba's Magazine by castiel's vessel.