Fruits of Love

In between Kyo exploring his softer side and Shinya being much more devious than it seems, there appears to be little time left for being together and all, since a new tour is coming up. Dir en Grey is very busy with their new song which will be named Dozing Green.

Author's Note : Though I'm trying to get this story as realistic as I can (which is quite hard with half of Diru sleeping with each other) some parts may be a little weird for Dir en Grey to do, but bear with me okay? I don't know who the hell it was that wrote this awesome song, but in my story it's Kaoru who has the brilliant idea to write it. After finishing the song, it takes about three weeks until they're going touring.

Pairings: Kyo x Shinya, Die x Toshiya. I have no idea where Kaoru stays in all of this but I'll think of something.

Disclaimer I don't own Dir en Grey, I haven't met them yet and they don't know me, I'm just writing this for my and the reader's fun so deal with it!
  1. Chapter 1
    "Just a quick one then?"