Never in love

kay well i suck at writting stories.. and well a few people asked me to put it up so heres the begiuning.. if it sucks tell me.. if you like it i dont think i will believe you... oh and btw this is not about me =]

Sarah is a normal teenage girl... well as normal as teenage girls get.. her best friend is Rhi and yea i thik the story explains it all =]]

if you think anything needs changing jsut tell me and ill try and change it.. oh and i suck at spelling and grama so yea those things mite be a little screwed =]

yea thats it.. hope you enjoy your SLOW death..

xx brie
  1. Sarah's opinion
    This is what Sarah thinks about love.
  2. The party, and the after effects...
    Yea umm..... just read it i guess
  3. My name is Sarah Richers
    Sarah finds Milo
  4. Love means facing your biggest Fears
  5. The beginning of the end.
    It has been Two years, and Sarah is realising that not every relationship is a fairtale story.