Forever 21

I was born in Egypt in 1508 BC under the great Pharaoh King Nehesi to a family of slaves. I was a beautiful baby large green eyes, jet black hair, my parents named me Nanu which literally meant beautiful. As I grew so did my beauty and I eventually captured the attention of King Nehesi. He was so captivated by me that he wished to preserve me along side him forever in death. Summoning his priestesses with the book of dead, I was given a potion and forced into an immortal slumber. For the next 25 years I laid in the Pharaohs tomb awaiting the death of King Nehesi. And then the most unexpected thing happened. He died and I- I woke up.

Forever 21, I escaped the tombs and watched as the sands of Egypt washed away. I watched empires rise and fall, wars rage and subside all while never aging a day. Just making my way through the world watching change all around me but never changing myself. It was too dangerous to stay in one place for too long. Sometimes it was dangerous to stay in one place at all as I drew attention everywhere I went. My beauty made my face not easily forgotten.

Often I would take refugee in the countryside, spending years alone at a time. But I would always make my way back to the cities. And as the world changed it became easier and easier to bland into the bustling cities. Which brings me to where I am now. Philadelphia 2015.