Status: Christmas One-Shot for the glorious Princess Nikki

All I Want for Christmas

All he wants for Christmas is her

"So you're all alone then too?"

Nikki shrugged and sipped at the sparkling grape juice in a wine glass. "Kylee's throwing a party with her perfect boyfriend and I'm not really into parties anyway."

"Me neither," said Sungwoong. Nikki looked at him incredulously. The older man sipped at his wine. "At least not anymore."

Nikki cocked her head to the side, dark hair falling over her shoulder. "I'm sorry."

Sungwoong knew what she was apologizing for; everyone did it. Instead, he smiled at her with his eyes crinkling into slits. White teeth that matched the glimmer of holiday lights hanging everywhere. "Then, why don't the two of us not be into this Christmas party together?"