Status: L O A D I N G . . .


Pietro died in Sokovia much to the pain and anguish of his twin who thought she'd never again see her brother, but Fury had an ace up his sleeve when it comes to bringing back the dead- Dr Victor Scott.

Dr Scott and his assistant have been used three times before to bring back agents of SHIELD as well as a recuperation center for agents injured in the line of duty. He's a brilliant scientist who seems to have mastered Death and along with Dr Cho's CRADLE the duo have been a great asset to SHIELD but should his work fall into the wrong hands it could spell disaster so T.A.H.I.T.I is a well guarded secret even from agents of SHIELD and the Avengers. Pietro is sent to Dr Scott without the knowledge of anyone on the team or to a great many agents who mourned the loss of such a promised asset. Fury couldn't let the young man just die, not when he could prove so valuable, so away to T.A.H.I.T.I he was sent.

Now, Dr Scott doesn't do all he does alone, oh no. He has an assistant named Deacon Hall and a daughter. A gravely ill young woman studying to be a doctor like her father who has no knowledge of the inner workings of her father's job. To her, T.A.H.I.T.I is a recuperation center for those injured in the line of duty and nothing more. She had no knowledge that her father is actually playing Frankenstein, that is until Pietro's arrival.

Now facing the truth behind her father's scientific studies, his daughter and their team must not only help Pietro recuperate after dying but figure out what went wrong during his resurrection because you see- Pietro can't run anymore.