Shattered Innocence

An account of the event in my senior year of high school that started my downward spiral. I wrote it for Advanced Techniques of Writing in May of 2009, when I was 18. I revised some parts and added in my thought processes at the time (originally left them out due to not wanting teachers to call police, force me to see a counselor, not wanting it to appear biased, and not wanting my peers to know who I was talking about in my story, despite the name changes, and go gossiping about it). Emma is me -- only changed my own name because if felt weird writing my own name as a character. Other names were all changed to protect identities. There will be a sequel that I am now getting around to writing that accounts the entire downward spiral I experienced in college later that year. Thanks for reading and please read the sequel when it's up!

***This story is posted on lecielnousaide's account as So Much for My Happy Ending. That is my old account that is under an email that has long been deleted and I don't remember the password -- that old account is how I was able to resurrect it. So no copyright infringement/stealing going on! It's all me!***