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Soon After

The morning was a busy time in Gallagher. It was bigger then a town and smaller than a city and still, the morning hustle and bustle was the same like every other place in the world. Traffic was jammed up and speeding was a must to get to work on time, it was an unfortunate truth in this century that everyone was always in a hurry. The only things that moved on their own time were animals and the odd human that just didn't care.

Today though, everything would stop in wake of a tragic accident, on 4th Street and Main. A young woman crossing the street was hit by a speeding car and somewhere else in Gallagher, a small white cat faced the same fate. The only difference, is that nobody would mourn the small, stray cat.

This brought up a question that humans around the world have been asking for thousands of years, what happened after death? Nobody knew the answer to the question and the people who have experienced it(Near death experience), don't remember a thing.

So, as time passed, everybody would soon push the tragic death behind them and move on with their lives. The two that died, however, would finally get an answer to the unsolvable question, is there life after death? And that answer is yes.


(c) Solid Gold. 2017.