Clarity Please Speak to Me


"Better?" Derek whispered as I stuck my head into the crook of his neck. The smell of him was making me so sleepy. I moaned as a "yes" so I wouldn't have to move my mouth. I still didn't finish my nap. "Are you smelling me again?" I shrugged my shoulders. Hell maybe I was smelling him, its not like he cared.

"So Derek, does your baby momma have a name?" asked tall one in the front seat.

"Shitthenfuckyou," I mumbled into Derek's neck so only he could hear.

"Her name is Melody," he said laughing.

"Well Melody, I am Matt. That's Chris, Travis, and that's Matt too but we call him Manning for obvious reasons." He pointed out. "We've come to realize that Derek's too much of an asshole to tell you who we are.
  1. Chapter One
    as I said before this is my first fanficiton. Including Derek Bloom (oooh yeah) and Melody.
  2. Chapter Two.
    Melody and Derk share moments together in class, realizing the surfacing feelings for each other.
  3. Chapter Three
    More Intimacy
  4. Chapter Four
    There was a fiesta in a fun place
  5. Chapter Five
    A little bit of their home lives both Mel and Derek (And a little bit of Derek's dirty little secret.)
  6. Chapter Six
    Derek tells his story.
  7. Chapter Seven
    Mel's world comes crashing down a little. Well a whole lot.
  8. Chapter Eight
  9. Chapter Nine
  10. Chapter Ten.
  11. Chapter Eleven
    To hell again?
  12. Chapter Twelve
  13. Chapter Thirteen
  14. Chapter Fourteen
  15. Chapter Fifteen
  16. Chapter Sixteen.
  17. Chapter Seventeen
  18. Chapter Eighteen.
  19. Chapter Nineteen
  20. Chapter Twenty
  21. Chapter Twenty-One
  22. Chapter Twenty- Two
  23. Chapter Twenty-Three
  24. Chapter Twenty-Four
  25. Chapter Twenty - Five
  26. Chapter Twenty- Six
  27. Chapter Twenty-Seven
  28. Chapter Twenty- Eight
  29. Chapter Twenty- Nine
  30. Chapter Thirty
  31. Chapter Thirty One
  32. Chapter Thirty -Two
  33. Chapter Thirty- Three
  34. Chapter Thirty-Four
    Caution: Warning: Whatever, Not Like You Care. Explicit SEX!
  35. Chapter Thirty-Five
  36. Chapter Thirty- Six
  37. Chapter Thirty -Seven
  38. Chapter Thirty-Eight
    Now get your tissue box ready.
  39. Chapter Thirty-Nine
  40. So Guys, Here is the Deal.
    I need you to comment or its no deal. Sorry.