Rich, Violent, And In Love

Chantel Knight
Background: Rich as fuck, hardcore chick, part of a mafia gang. She is an only child. Was raised by her mother and father who started the gang when Chantel was born. Ever since her parents have been rich. When Chantel was 3 her mother was killed. Now she lives with her dad, uncles, and best friend Trista in a big mansion.

Background: Also rich, best friends with Chantel and is also part of the mafia gang Chantel's dad created. Her parents left her when she was 13. So Chantel's dad took her in. She now lives with Chantel.

Jimmy (Is a girl NOT a boy. Don't ask just know is a girl)
Background: Also rich, friends with Chantel and Trista, and is a watcher for Chantel's dad's gang. She lives with her brothers who are part of the gang.

Other Characters:
A7X Boys