
Scars is the continuation, the aftermath, if you will, of The Dark Knight. Elizabeth Jenkins was a mere doctor in the Arkham Asylum's Disturbed ward, seemingly going nowhere, until that unstoppable force came along.
  1. One
    “…We repeat, ladies and gentlemen, the Joker has finally been caught...."
  2. Two
    "...Elizabeth hurried down the corridor, weaving her way past the patients..."
  3. Three
    "...She turned the keys over in her hand nervously..."
  4. Four
    “...The Joker was slouched back in his chair, rubbing the blade of the knife with his thumb...”
  5. Five
    "...Dr. Williams peered at her through his greasy spectacles..."
  6. Six
    "...he was still seated at the table, carving into it with his knife..."
  7. Seven
    "...Eliza fiddled with the tape recorder again..."
  8. Eight
    "...she found herself standing in front of her full-length mirror..."
  9. Nine
    "...She sat rigidly in her chair..."
  10. Ten
    “...Don’t think flattery is going to get you anywhere, sweetheart....”
  11. Eleven
    "...Everything burns..."
  12. Twelve
    “...Are you sure you can handle it?...”
  13. Thirteen
    "...She had awakened at eight that morning with a throbbing headache and a pain in her stomach..."
  14. Fourteen
    "...his lips frowned while his scars still smiled...."