Holding Faith

I realized that I have some good oneshots in My Chem fandom and 5 in Trillie. But I have absolutely none for my favorite Green Day couple: Billie Joe and Adrienne.

Last night, when I was trying to sleep, this idea came to me and I just had to write it down. So from 2 am to 4 am, I wrote this. When you deprive yourself of sleep just to get an idea out of your head and onto paper (well, MS Word) you know its a labor of love. This is what I love and live to do.

Its a sad little bit about Billie Joe and Adrienne and how they react when tragic reality hits. The ending, I think, is very sweet though. Once again, I left it kind of open ended. I didn't follow the problem through the solution, so for now, Billie Joe and his wife are just holding faith.

And just a little note: If you read it, please comment and critique it. Good or bad, I want to know. And if you want to find the story again, don't subscribe; that pisses me off. You can favorite it or bookmark it or whatever.