Liar Liar Pants on Fire

Two friends, Best of friends.
Ed and Alex have been best friends since they where 8
they make a band, it doesn't get anwhere, then extra members join
they had to change the band name for legal resons.
They where the closest ever.
Ed's had girlfriends, Alex hasn't
Bad relationships in the past put Alex of.
Will this one?

(May contain homosexuality, if you don't like it, simply don't read (: )

From the wounderful minds of Vicky and Chloe
Some Minor fun (:
Elliot Minor (:
  1. 001
    Vicky's Chapter
  2. 002
    Chloe's Chapter :P
  3. 003
    Vicky's Chapter
  4. 004
    Chloe's Chapter
  5. 005
    Vicky's Chapter
  6. 006
    Chloe's Chapter
  7. 007
    Vicky's Chapter
  8. 008
    Vicky's Chapter
  9. 009
    Vicky's Chapter
  10. 010
    Chloe's Chapter
  11. 011
    Vicky's Chapter
  12. 012
    Chloe's Chapter
  13. 013
    Vicky's chapter