52 Things I Love About You

Do you have a tight christmas budget? Haven’t got any ideas of what you could give to someone? Or do you just want to give something that matters to someone? This is the perfect thing to do. The ”52 Things I Love About You” book is something you can give to a close friend, a parent or maybe a sibling. It’s not just a good thing to do as a christmas gift. It can also work out as a birthday present, or just something you want to give away to show how much you appreciate someone.

Things You Need:

  • A deck of cards
  • Metal rings that can open, or a pretty ribbon
  • White or coloured paper
  • A pen
  • Some glue
  • A hole punch
  • Scissors
  • A list of 52 things you love about the person you’re supposed to give the book to


  1. Start with taking your deck of cards. Punch two holes in one of the cards. To make it easier and more precise, you can use that card as a template for where you place the holes in your other cards.
  2. Arrange the cards. You can put them in different orders; numerical order, red first then black or maybe just randomly. The first and the last card should be placed with their backsides out.
  3. Thread the cards onto the rings, or thread the cards onto a ribbon and then tie the ribbon on the front, so the deck will hold together.
  4. Now it’s time to design the 52 things you love about someone. Write down one thing each on a piece of paper that will fit on the cards. Don’t do the pieces of paper too big for the cards. You can also write down the things on your computer and print it out.
  5. If you want to, you can decorate the piece of paper with the things you love. Maybe glue on some coloured paper, or cut the paper in different shapes. Glue shapes and stickers onto the paper. Anything you’d like to do to make it more personal.
  6. Don’t forget to make a front and a back. On the front you could write ”52 things I love about you” and maybe decorate it. The back can be decorated or maybe you can write a personal message to the person.
  7. Now when you have all the 52 things and a front and a back, it’s time to glue the pieces of paper onto the cards. Glue the front on top of the deck of cards and then open the deck and glue one thing each on every card, in numerical order.
  8. Now you have your own little book with 52 things you love about someone. Now you can give it away as a gift or a present.

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