To Tie a Tie!

I have created this tutorial for the newbies who are just starting out with their first knot as well as more experienced tie-tiers who may be looking for a change in their usual tie fashion and want to add a little bit of variety to their knots.

The Four in Hand Knot

The Four in Hand Knot makes a slim and ever so slightly asymmetrical knot. It best suits an average button-down dress shirt. This knot works well with wide neckties made with heavy materials. Though it can be worn by anybody - of course, you can pull it off - it looks especially dazzling on people with shorter necks. The Four in Hand Knot’s narrow form casts the effect of a longer neck, just a bit.

Now onto the lesson, shall we?

Step 1

With the tie around your neck, have the wide end on your right and the narrow on the left. Stretch your tie’s wide end around 12 inches below the slender end.

Step 2

Next, just cross the wide end over the narrow.

Step 3

Take the wide end again and fold it back underneath the slim end.

Step 4

Bring the wide and back over the top of your narrow end again. Your wide end should be completely wrapped around that narrow end; kind of like a hug.

Step 5

The, bring the wide end up and through the hole/loop your neck and the tie has created.

Step 6

Hold the front of the knot loosely with your index finger and bring the wide end down through the front loop.

Step 7

At last, remove your finger and tighten the knot carefully to the collar. Do this by holding the narrow end and sliding the knot up.




The Pratt Knot

This knot is prim and proper and quite wide. It is well harmonized for any dress shirt and somewhat wider neckties made from medium fabrics. Now find that mirror, stand in front of it and let us get going:

Step 1

Start with the neck tie inside out around your neck, with the broad end on the right extending around 12 inches below the slim end on your left.

Step 2

Then, just cross the wide end under the narrow side.

Step 3

Take the wide end over and under the wide end, see steps 3 and 4 of the FiH knot for confusion.

Step 4

Pull the top loop down and tighten.

Step 5

Next, take the wide end over to your right.

Step 6

Take the wide end up, then behind the loop.

Step 7

And in conclusion, bring the wide end through the knot and tighten lightly.

Step 8

This knot definitely takes some practice to become an expert but just milk these steps and your mirror for all they’re worth and you’ll have the Pratt Knot down pact in not time at all.



The Bow Tie

The Bow Tie Knot is used to tie well, a bow tie and is worn to give you a formal and classy look. A "black tie occasion" such as a wedding is an event that you would frequently wear a bow tie to. The proper size should never be wider than the broadest part of your neck and should never go past the tips of you shirt’s collar.

Step 1

Place the bow tie around your neck, settling it so that the left end is about two inches longer than right.

Step 2

Cross the left side over the right side.

Step 3

Bring the left end up and under the loop.

Step 4

Now double the right end over itself to form the front base loop of the bow tie.

Step 5

Loop your left end over the center of the loop you just formed.

Step 6

While holding everything in place, double the left end back on itself and push it through the loop behind the bow tie.

Step 7

You can now adjust your beautiful bow tie by straightening the center knot and tugging at the ends of it.


Thanks for reading and I hoped you learned at least a little from my somewhat jumbled words. I also have to thank my doting Dad for teaching me all this!

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