Tips on Picking the Best Swimsuit for Your Body Type - Comments

  • I have this problem I was hoping you could help me with, since you seem to know about bikinis, lol. I'm like 5'1'' (155 cm, not really sure if it's really 5'1''... sorry we use cm in europe :s) and I have normal boobies and no tummy at all but then my legs are like... damn they're just fat haha! I know bikinis are not supposed to cover your legs, but is there anything that would, Idk, work on my body? I definitely don't want any attention on my legs... Can you help me?
    July 22nd, 2012 at 11:04pm
  • These tips are really helpful! And your tutorial is very well written. :) Although, I would like to suggest maybe adding a little more variety. There are plenty of different kinds of swimsuits, and tons more body types. Like what about the girls that are super thin and want to appear fuller?
    July 2nd, 2012 at 07:59pm