Dutch Braid

The Dutch braid is often called the reverse French braid because the technique behind both of these braids is pretty much the same. The only difference between the Dutch braid and the French braid is that in a Dutch braid, sections of hair are woven underneath one another while in a French braid, sections of hair are woven over one another. As a result, the Dutch braid looks like the “reverse” of a traditional French braid. Instead of the braid going into the hair like a French braid, the braid sticks out in a Dutch braid.

If you’re good at French braiding, it can be a little difficult to get over the urge to just let your hands braid as they naturally would, but I think this is a cute braid for when you’re wanting to try something new and need your hair to be back and out of your face. Jennifer Lawrence rocked a sideways version of this braid in her role as Katniss Everdeen in the blockbuster The Hunger Games.

For this braid, all you need is one hair elastic.

  1. Run a comb through your locks to make sure they are free of any tangles. Knots and tangles can really get in the way and become frustrating when you’re trying to braid your own hair behind your head.
  2. The tightness of this braid really depends on how high on your head you start it. For a tight braid, you want to start right behind your forehead. I usually go for a looser, messier look, so I gather the hair at my temples to start the braid.
  3. Separate the hair you’ve gathered into three sections: A, B, and C, with B being in the center.
  4. To start, tuck section A under section B so that A becomes the new center. Next, tuck section C beneath section A so that C is the new center of the braid.
  5. For the next part of the braid, continue weaving the sections of hair beneath one another, the only difference is that you have to add chunks of hair to each section as you braid (just like in a French braid).
  6. When you’ve reached the end, tie hair off with an elastic. If you want a messy look, you can tug at the braid until you get the desired look. Finish off with a mist of hairspray, and you’re done!

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