How to Get Over a Break-Up

Break-ups are tough and there is no fail-safe way to get over one. Here are four steps that are sure to ease some of that emotional damage.

Step One: Accept

The first crucial part of getting over a break-up is accepting that it is actually over. You broke up for a reason. Whether it was mutual or one-sided, the break-up is still for the best. After all, who wants to be with someone who doesn’t really want to be with them? In order to accept that a relationship is over, you need to realize all the reasons why it didn’t work. A good way to do this is make a list. Mine usually look something like this:

  • My cats don’t like him.
  • We fought too much.
  • He doesn’t like Harry Potter.
  • His eyes are too far apart.
  • He didn’t get me that diamond necklace for my birthday.

After you have created your own list, you will have realized the many reasons your relationship ended, but realizing why it ended doesn’t make all the pain go away. That’s where the next step comes in.

Step Two: Cry

Obviously, crying is an essential part of the break up process. Your former boyfriend or girlfriend was a big part of your life, and if you were willing to take the next step and form a relationship with that person, you must have cared about them. It is normal to grieve for the loss of the relationship. Even though you may be able to remain friends, it will never be what it once was, but that’s okay. After your cry session, you’re sure to realize that you’re better off without him/her and you already realized he/she was ugly anyway.

Step Three: Be Self-Centered

Let’s face it, you’re a pretty great person and you deserve the best. So, it’s time to act like it! Go out and get your nails done or color your hair. Go get a membership to a gym. After all, there’s no better way to prove to a guy how great you are then showing off your tight new booty (this works for guys, too). Doing something for yourself is a great reminder that your happiness comes first. Once you focus on yourself, the next step will come naturally.

Step Four: Move On

The last and most important part of getting over a break up is the actual process of moving on. Unfortunately, no amount of fake tanning and ice cream will make this happen. It will happen on its own. Through your strength and motivation, you will be able to get over losing your significant other, and if strength and motivation don’t work, you can always adopt another cat! Either way, the wounds of the break-up will heal over time.

You’ll know you’ve moved on when you no longer ask yourself: Have I moved on?

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