How to Get Over a Break-Up

Alright now, take it from someone who knows. Breakups are a natural part of life. They happen all the time. But what happens when the relationship you thought would last ends? You think it'll never be the same again. Am I right?

The truth is, it WILL never be the same again. But that doesn't mean you can wallow in your breakup and become a lonely person living in a crowded apartment with twenty cats. You gotta move on. Here are my tips to help you.

Step One: Take Time To Grieve

Yeah, the breakup is fresh. You thought you were gonna be with that person forever, and you were wrong. Take your time to cry it out. Find a trusted adult or a good friend and just allow yourself to cry. It's okay to cry. You loved that person. It still hurts to think about them. That's okay. Take as much time as you need to get the tears out of your system.

Step Two: Work On Yourself

Easier said than done, right? Wrong! Think of things you could do better, like working harder in school or putting more effort into your chores. You'll feel great from the praise you receive, and this will help you to forget about the beefhead that you once had a thing with. So work on yourself before you focus on anything else.

Step Three: Have Fun With Life

Life can be cruel sometimes. But don't let the bad things get you down. Make more good memories than bad. Go out on the weekends. Have a movie night with a good friend. Do something you never would've thought of doing before. You'll have fun, and you might find out some things about yourself that you never knew before.

Step Four: Stop Looking For Love

"Good things come to those who wait". We've all heard that saying before, but what does it really mean? I'll tell you what it means. Don't go looking for that Mr. Right (or Mrs. Right). It will only lead you to relationships you'll regret having. And really, who wants to live with regrets? Don't look for love. Don't look for a relationship. Let the perfect person come to you. If it's meant to be, then it will happen.

And the most important thing to remember is always be true to yourself. Don't pretend to be someone you're not. Be yourself. People will love you for you, not for your clothes or your hair or superficial things like that. What really matters is that you're being yourself. Stand up, stand out, and be you, because YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! -A

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