How to Make Friends on Mibba

Making friends on Mibba is not difficult, but sometimes it is hard to get started! Here are some tips to help you get yourself out there.

Participate in Role-Plays

A great way to make friends is to participate in the various role-plays on Mibba. A role-play is writing type game where you create a character and your character interacts with others in an on-going story. You can almost always find an open role play to join, and if there isn’t one, you can create one!

Get Active on the Forums

If role-plays aren’t your thing, there are other ways to get active on the forums. Participate in an on-going discussion. There is always something interesting to talk about on the forums. If you disagree with the other opinions, tell them, but do it nicely! Many people on the forums are looking to have good, intelligent conversations with people who have different views than their own, just don’t be rude! By chatting with others on the forums, they will become more familiar with you, and you may become friends.

Talk to Writers

Nearly every writer loves to communicate with their readers. I know I do! Ask one of your favorite Mibbian writers questions about their writing process. Ask them where they came up with a specific idea or what their inspiration is. This is a great way to learn more about your favorite stories and talk to new people on Mibba. In time, you may find that your favorite writer is one of your new friends!

Extend a Helping Hand

A great way to make friends is to extend your kindness to others. If you have a special skill, offer it to others. If you are good at making banners, offer to make some for stories on Mibba. If you are good at catching grammatical errors, offer to edit stories. By extending these different favors, you are showing that you are nice and approachable. People may ask you to make them banners or edit their stories more often, and you may find that you have a new friend.

Nearly everyone on Mibba is nice, so don't be afraid to start talking to them!

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