How to Play Frisbeer

It's summer, so that means it's time for camping and barbeques! A popular part of these outdoor activities is playing outdoor games. Frisbeer is an interesting game that combines the fun of washers with the precision of playing Frisbee. The name comes from combining ‘Frisbee’ and ‘beer’. Although, you can replace the beer with soda if you are underage.


  1. Two empty beer or soda cans
  2. Two PVC pipes about four feet tall
  3. One Frisbee

Set Up:

  1. Push the two PVC pipes into the ground about eight feet apart.
  2. Place an empty aluminum can on top of each of the PVC pipes.

How to Play:

  1. Split into teams.
  2. Stand on the same side as your teammate behind one of the poles. The other team stands on the opposite side.
  3. The team with the youngest combined age goes first. The first member of your team throws a Frisbee at the pole. The goal is to knock the can off the pole.
  4. The second team member throws a Frisbee at the pole. Then, play switches to the other team.
  5. If your team isn’t throwing the Frisbee, the goal is to catch the Frisbee, but you can’t block it from hitting the pole.


  1. You get two points if you hit the pole and it knocks the can to the ground.
  2. You get three points if you hit the can and it falls to the ground.
  3. You lose a point if the opposite team is able to catch your throw.

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