How to Make a Fresh Start

Tie Up Loose Ends

No one likes living with guilt or that nagging feeling that keeps poking your mind and saying "You've forgotten something important!" So tying up loose ends is very important. In order to make a blank slate, you must resolve problems, whether they are relationship problems or just simple life problems. If you've hurt someone, apologize. If you've realized that your significant other isn't the right one for you, end it, but do it gently; no need for them to declare revenge.

Change Your Attitude

A type of attitude change is needed to form a blank slate, whether it is big or small. If you are a pessimistic person who refused to leave their comfort zone, take some time to work on that. See a professional who can help you work on your self-esteem if it was low. Or if you were a bright and optimistic person who people took advantage of, take some classes to raise your confidence and become assertive.

Switch Up Your Style

A change of fashion isn't necessary, but it would help boost your confidence in your nearly changed state of mind. Color Psychology is an important part of life that will get you far in terms of society's opinions. Someone who wore black everyday with heavy make-up might be deemed "unapproachable" by others or even "scary". It won't matter if you aren't in fact scary or anti-social but society will think the way they think. Wearing some bright colors every once in a while will subconsciously draw people to you. However if you were a person who wore bright colors before and you don't want people to flock you, you should go with a more "earthy" look, to tone down people's reactions.

Find a New Hobby

It may not seem like it, but hobbies influence people's likes and dislikes, therefore framing their lives. Find a new hobby that you feel comfortable with but be sure to leave your old one behind. Explore broader horizons! Do something you've never done before and step out of your comfort zone! Find new hobbies will also help you find new friends, so be sure to try something you've never done before.

Enjoy your fresh start in life.

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