Face Masks for Paler Skin

Not everyone wants a tanned look, either orange or a 'golden glow' but darkening the skin is easier than lightening. Here is a tutorial on how to pale your skin naturally and without harm, be aware that this can be used all over the body. Read the whole tutorial first before starting as there will be important information.


  1. Turmeric
  2. Lime juice (can be substituted with lemon or milk, read step one for warnings)
  3. Honey
  4. Tea spoon
  5. A cup or bowl for mixing

Step One

Measure out one teaspoon of honey, one of turmeric and two of lime juice. If you have sensitive skin, limit the amount of lime juice to one tea spoon or substitute it with milk. Beware of allergies and your skin type, as milk sometimes causes break outs. If using milk, test out a patch on your upper arm first and leave for 24 hours.

Step Two

Mix them all together until it reaches a paste like consistency or they all look mixed together. Sometimes you may need to add more turmeric or honey to make it more solid and because of different brands ingredients it will not always reach the desired state. Do not worry because it will have the same effect, but do be wary of more liquid-like mixtures dripping into eyes or onto floor. Do not add more lime juice.

Step Three

Apply to face in a thick, even layer. You cannot store this mixture, so if there is any spare apply a thicker layer of apply elsewhere. As mentioned previously, it can be applied anywhere. Please note that is does not have to look like the picture states. Turmeric tends to be bright, and the mask will likely to be bright yellow rather than pallid.

Step Four

Leave for fifteen minutes, or longer if it hasn't dried (it will take longer if the layer is thicker) but do not surpass thirty minutes, as lime can be harsh to the skin. Remove with a cloth you don't mind getting stained as turmeric will stain all materials. Your face will be mildly stained also, but do not worry. Leave it for ten minutes and then wash face until yellow staining has faded. It will not stain permanently.


When used daily, this will pale skin, even out skin tone and leave your skin feeling fresh. After desired paleness is achieved, only use twice a week. Be aware that lime juice can be harmful if used in large amounts or too frequently. If after a week of daily applications you have not reached the desired shade, only use the mask every other day and treat your skin gently.

This will reduce the appearance of black bags under eyes and any other areas with darker skin such as upper thighs, armpits etc.

Turmeric will stain clothing so wear an old t-shirt or clothing when using. It also stains other surfaces but can be removed with bleach. Be careful not to spill any on surfaces which cannot be treated with bleach.

Tumeric and its Uses is an article containing information on Turmeric and its positive effects on health. If you're skeptical please do read the article. Turmeric is what Asian wives use on their skins before weddings or occasions and is viewed as highly beneficial.

I will be posting other tutorials on skin paling if this does not appeal to you. Keep on the lookout.

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