New Year's Resolutions

New Year's Eve has always been a time to look back on the year, and more importantly, forward to the new year. As with every other year, we like to make new years resolutions. But how many of us have kept them?

Like the picture to the left will tell you, a lot of these resolutions are short lived. We either become bored of them, tired of trying to change or tired of failing.
A study from the Univerity of Scranton, showed that the top 5 new years resolutions of 2012 were:
  1. Lose
  2. Get organized
  3. Spend less, save more
  4. Enjoy life to the fullest
  5. Staying fit and healthy
The study went on to show that 8% of people are succesful in achieving their resolution, 49% of people have infrequent success and 24% of people never succeed.
Further strenghtening what the cat in the picture on the left said about new years resolutions, this study showed that 75% of people maintained their resolution for one week.
With the beginning of 2013 and a fresh list of things we want to accomplish, you may be feeling very optimistic. You may also stay true to your character and fail after a week, or a month. You might not even make it passed the first day!
Let me tell you though, that new years resolutions can be much more that a week long to do list - so much more! These resolutions can be a way to succesfully change our nasty habits, poor lifestyles, infrequent commitements and also, a way to strengthen us in body and mind.
Think back to when you last completed something you’d be working towards. It could have been a school project, a fitness goal; remember how amazing it felt to feel success, and remember how motivated you must have felt afterwards.
Whether it’s a promise to eat more healthy, find love or comitt to your online life more, everone struggles to fullfill. I’m no different, as I’m sure you’ll tell me that you’re no different.
Below you will find some tips that may help you committ to fullfilling these lifechanging promises.

Picture Yourself Carrying Out Your Promise

If you want to lose weight, imagine yourself slimer, wearing the clothes you want wear comfortably and feeling more confident.

Monitor and Reward Your Progress

Set yourself rewards for milestone in your goals. If you’re sucessfully half way through a goal, treat yourself with a fun day, a shopping day, a takeaway.

Find Support

Support doesn’t have to be from a therapist or counsellor. Support can be found in a friend who shares your goals, an online comminuti etc,.

Get Back Up

If you fail, do not quit. Accept it, learn from it, and get back on your feet and plow on. It will be worth it.


Whatever you’re aiming for must become a routine. When we carry out a task routinely, it makes it easier for us to compete these tasks and enjoy them.
Tell us your new year resolutions for this year and any other tips you have for sticking to them. Good luck! And remember, Mibba is a great place to come for encouragment and support should you need it (shameless promotion)!

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