Inspirational Binders

For a lot of us, inspiration comes in many different forms. Storing ideas that inspire us on the internet can be easy; with sites such as pinterest, photobucket, etc,. But if you're someone who appreciates the old fashion ways of cutting and glueing, then this tutorial may suit you.

What You Need:

  • Folder/Binder/Notebook
  • Coloured or plain card/paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Paper puncher (optional)
  • Magazines/Books etc,.


  1. Using your resources (magazines/books/etc,.) cut out pictures, words, articles, phrases that inspire you.
  2. If you're making a weightloss binder, you could cut out pictures of models, recipies, flash words. If making a fashion binder, you could cut out pictures of clothes, jewellry, makeup, etc,.
  3. Using your glue , stick the pictures onto your coloured or plain card.
  4. If you've got a folder with clips on it, use your paper puncher to punch holes into your card and file them into the folder. If you're lucky enough to have a folder with plastic pockets already in it, just file the card which ever way you like.
  5. Look at your binder each day to continue to inspire yourself, and remember to glue anything else that inspires you into it!

This is a quick and easy ongoing project that will help you store your ideas, creations and inspirations in one place. Happy creativity!

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