Are Dogs Good Christmas Presents?

Why is it relevant to know about this? Not everyone would think of buying a dog, maybe not even a dog for someone for Christmas, but it can still affect you. Think of that one dog you've seen on the way to work that seems to have no clue to where he or she's going, as that dog most likely doesn't even have a home. What if that dog was the victim of what would usually seem like such a lovely and warming subject like Christmas gifts? You never know why things are the way they are until it affects you. But when you see hungry looking, poor, saddened animals on the way to your everyday job, watching as they nearly run into the road, you'd have to have a cold and cruel heart not to sympathise with them. They have no owner, no helper to hold the leash that may save them from possible death, as it only takes a second for their life to end. If they had a carer, then they wouldn't be at risk of that.

This kind of situation would most likely affect adults rather than children or teenagers, although, any kind of distress inflicted on an animal can be hard to see from anyone's eyes. But overall, adults would be most affected, as they're the right age to buy and give dogs as presents, or any animal for that matter. Maybe the reason for a dog being abandoned is actually innocent. Maybe the person who took in man's little friend couldn't cope and accidentally left the front door ajar or something. It isn't always out of cruelty, but in some cases, that's what it can lead to. Say if the owner gives the dog away to someone who's an even worse owner than they were. One who abuses or abandons their new pet because they think that's okay. You never know what could happen.

An argument for giving dogs as presents may be that they can bring such joy to families with young or older childreen, as dogs can be exceptional companions. But there are always drawbacks. Like allergies and diseases, for example. So be careful when choosing a dog to give away. But on the other hand, dogs can also be loving and brilliant comfortors. Ones that can get people who're going through a tough time through whatever holds them back from happiness. Dogs, as well as most pets, can bring happiness and love to many families, but again, there are drawbacks.

An argument against giving dogs as presents would be that you don't always know the background to an animal, as they can't speak to tell you that there is something troubling them. But, I guess you could always warn families or those given the cute K9 that you don't completely know the previous life and can't really be sure of whether the dog's safe around children or not. But then again, you'd probably just be better off buying a dog that you know is safe and won't cause issues for the new owners. Also, another issue, is that dogs can seem all cute and friendly, but they can also be extremely annoying. Dogs and most other pets for that matter, can be hard work. But that's all part of the fun now isn't it?

This relates to you, as even if it isn't you buying or giving a dog away, you may know of people who have done it and of many issues surrounding pets. Like the case in Atherton where Jade Anderson was killed by five killer dogs. This of course is a very serious case, which is also very saddening, but maybe could've been avoided if the dogs were dealt with beforehand. Maybe no one knew that they were so vicious, but if so, this should promote the idea that things aren't always as they seem and even though a dog may seem friendly when it's on the opposite side of the road from you when you're walking your dog, it may be the complete opposite. This links back to one of my previous paragraphs, you never know what could happen. Not until it happens, which is why we need to be cautious when buying, selling or giving away dogs.

Overall, if you're thinking of buying any pet for someone, regardless of whether it's a dog or not, you have to think clearly and not just go running before you can walk. Know the facts about purchasing a dog as a gift and try to get as much information about the ideal dog as possible. Whether it's breed has been previously deemed as aggressive or unfriendly towards young children, for example. If you take precautions, then the risk of something awful happening will go down and you will have less to worry about. If you don't even think to check these basic aspects, then you could end up wishing you had. So don't avoid the chance to check up on it, as you may live to regret not doing. Pets are a personal choice, but you may know of people who would just love a dog, cat or whatever else. If you think you know as much as is needed to know for you to begin searching for your next Christmas present, then go for it! Just keep in mind that there are always drawbacks and being sure of those drawbacks is half the way to success in any situation.

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