How to Make a Good, Inexpensive Mocha Coffee

When I make any coffee at all, I always make it two cups at a time, so that is what we'll do here.


  1. coffee grounds
  2. water
  3. coffee pot
  4. coffee cup
  5. spoon
  6. milk
  7. hot chocolate powder
  8. whipped cream (optional)


The first thing you'll need to do is to make a pot of strong coffee.

Fill with water until the "4" line, because that will give you two regular sized cups of coffee. Use about two rounded tablespoons and about 3/4 of a tablespoon of your favorite regular coffee grounds (no flavored coffee) to give you a good, strong flavor.

Once your coffee is done, pour it into a cup until it's almost full.

Add a splash (about a tablespoon) of milk. I use skim, but you can use any kind you want. The higher the percentage of fat ( skim, 1%, 2%, whole), the creamier your mocha will end up.

Add hot chocolate powder according to instructions. Use one packet per cup, if you're using packets, or a couple of spoonfuls, if you're using bulk powder.

You can use any kind of hot chocolate you'd prefer; marshmallow, dark chocolate, plain, etc. Whatever kind you use will only affect the ending flavor of your mocha. I suggest dark chocolate or marshmallow.

Stir everything together until dissolved and mixed in.

Add some whipped cream on top for a little extra 'pizazz' if you want.

Then just enjoy your coffee shop quality mocha without feeling guilty about the price.

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