Sky Jell-O

I found this while searching the web one day. I mean, how cool does it look? Want to impress people at a party or just have some yummy awesome looking Jell-O? Either way you should try it. It is very simple and inexpensive - two things that I absolutely love.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • 2 packages of Berry Blue Jell-O (or any flavor as long as you have food dye, haven’t tried any other flavor yet)
  • 2 cups of whipped cream (homemade or store-bought.)
  • ¼ cups of sugar
  • 2 cups of ice
  • Some clear glasses (clear plastic cups will be fine as well - I personally use little glass jars or sometimes the wine glasses if I want it to look high-class. If you have parfait glasses that’ll be fine too, just it may be too much to eat at one time)

How to make whipped cream.

Again, store bought will work perfectly fine. This is just for those who would prefer to make it. If you already know how then you can skip this.

You need one cup of heavy cream, a teaspoon of vanilla extract, and a tablespoon of confectioners’ sugar.

In a large bowl, whip cream until stiff peaks are just about to form. Add in your sugar and vanilla extract and beat in until the peaks do actually form. Try not to over-beat it because we don’t want it lumpy or buttery. However, we do need it thick so that it will hold a bit of shape later. I suggest throwing it in the freezer until you need it.

Now for the Jell-O.

Pour two cups of boiling water into a large bowl and add both boxes of your chosen Jell-O powder. (This would also be the best time to add in your food coloring. Read the directions so you can try to get a nice blue, since we are aiming for the sky color, which is why blueberry is the easiest one to go with.) Stir until all of the sugar has dissolved. This is where the ice comes in - since we are impatient, add in two cups of ice, it will set the Jell-O quickly.

Stir the ice around the bowl for roughly about five to seven minutes, give or take, you’ll know when the Jell-O has thickened up. Remove the leftover ice that has yet to melt. Now, your Jell-O won’t be super thick like when it sits in a fridge, which is good, it should be jelled enough to scoop off in a spoon and still have that Jell-O form.

Now for the best part. No, not the eating.

Grab your glass and start by placing just a few spoonfuls of Jell-O at the bottom, then take your whipped cream from the freezer. Drop a spoonful of whipped cream near the sides of the glass. It’s going to look like a little cloud in a cup. Don’t worry if it streaks or smears, you can always wipe those away. Continue layering your Jell-O and whipped cream until you are happy.

There you have it, your very own sky in a glass. It will be a very scrumptious treat for you and everyone around you.

Bon appetit.

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