Tips for Picking a College Major

Decide what’s Important to You

It’s a well-known fact that some jobs pay more than others. Engineering pays a lot more than teaching, and social work pays a lot less than medicine. So, you need to decide: are you in it for the money or to make yourself happy?

Lots of my friends are pre-med, not because they like science and want to help people, but because they know a degree in medicine will make them the big bucks. But, the truth is, they’re miserable. They dread going to classes and hate studying, while others with their major truly enjoy it. I am two years away from getting my bachelors in education, and even though I know I won’t be making much money, I can honestly say I am happy with my decision. I love all my classes, and I know I’m going to love my future job.

You have to decide if you’d rather have money or a job you like, and if you’re lucky enough to actually enjoy science or math, get your degree in medicine or engineering and make us all proud.

Take Classes

Take a few classes for things you are interested. This is the best advice I can give you. If you think you want to major in psychology, but aren’t sure, take an intro level psychology class and see if you like it. I went in my freshman year declared as an accounting major and found that I hated the coursework. By taking an accounting class my early on, I was able to switch majors without getting behind.

Find a Professor You Love

This may sound odd, but by taking classes taught by many different professors, you may find that your views will change. There are some professors that are so passionate about what they teach it rubs off on their students. I chose my major when I took an intro level education class taught by the best professor I’ve ever had. Now, I have her as a professor for multiple classes. By taking classes taught by a professor you like, you may find that school is a lot more enjoyable.

Consider a Minor

A lot of schools require you to have a minor, but some don’t. If there are two things that you love, consider majoring in one and minoring in the other. This way you’ll get to explore both of your passions, and you’ll look well-rounded to future employers.

Remember, it’s okay to change your mind. College is the time to find yourself, so don’t be too stuck on one decision.

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