The Look Professionals Use

Here are some things you may want to do when writing your pieces to look a little more professional.


Don't use too many exclamation marks or questions marks. Using to many question or exclamation marks can make it unappealing to the eye, and readers may not enjoy it as much. What looks better: This!!!!!?????!?!?!? or This?


When trying to make a point, don't write in all capital letters, it makes it seem as if you're yelling at the reader. Try using italics instead to emphasize your words. For example: "I love you," instead of "I LOVE YOU."


When using numbers, type out the word instead of just using the numerical. For example, instead of typing "She has 3 sisters" you should type, "She has three sisters."


Do n0t type lyk this.! It is very annoying to read and many people won't even try to read your stories if they look like that. Make sure not to use "texting words" that are shortened. Always check to see if you have capitalized the starting word of a sentence, names, places, and other proper nouns which should be capitalize.

Spelling and Formatting

Spell-check and format your work correctly. Correct formatting means properly spacing your paragraphs (leaving an empty line between each paragraph) instead of indenting.


Another thing is, try not to make your characters seem too perfect. It will make the whole story seem fake and less enjoyable to read.

Also try not to switch character's point's of view more than two times in one chapter. When changing it too much, it may become confusing for the reader. When writing a story with more than one point of view, try to make it as clear as possible about the change, but not too distracting.

I hope these help you look and feel a little more professional. No matter what, keep writing.

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