Choosing Writing Contest Numbers If Indecisive

Items needed:

  • 1 Bag
  • 2 sheets of notebook paper
  • Scissors
  • Writing Utinsel
  • A writing contest to enter

Now that you have your items, go ahead and cut out 30 squares on your notebook paper. I put them on top of each other, and cut 4 rows of 4, which ended up giving me 32 squares.

Most contests don't go over 30 spots, so this is good. Recycle the 2 extra, and number your paper slips, from 1-30.

Now, crumple your papers up, and put them in a bag. I usually choose a bag that is good for shaking up. A Wal-Mart bag, you could tie up, leaving a small hole, and blowing air inside before securing the knot, and shake, or get a paper bag and fold it shut.

Now, you can either A) draw papers and choose your entry number based on the last paper left, or B) draw papers and choose your entry number based on the first one you draw, as your entry number.

Okay. So let's say there are only 15 entry spots in a contest, and you draw #27. Draw again until you get a number you can use. Or, if you chose Method A, put everything back in and draw again.

So there you go! :D Really easy, fun, and simple! Not to mention getting the job done. Good luck!

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