How to Write A Great Story

Here are 5 easy steps to writing your dream story:

Step One

Think of the story line and write it down. Be sure to plot out what will happen first, second, next and last?

Here is an example:

  1. Finds clue
  2. Gets lost in the woods
  3. Finds his team
  4. Wins the hunt

Step Two

Who are your main characters, and not just the names but their whole personalities, that's what "characters" means isn't it?

Here is another example:

Emily: shy, funny, plays sports, doesn't have a lot of friends, loves music, writes poetry

Now from the main character you can go to her family like ,"Emily has two sisters," and then go on to describing their personalities.

Step Three

Is the story going to be from third person point of view or first person? If you want it to be in first person, than it would seem to know more about the main character, but if you want it in third person than the readers would be looking at everyone's lives.

For example:

Emily is seventeen years old and lives in Massachusets or I am seventeen years old and I live in Massachusets.

Step Four

What atmosphere will your story be in? There are only 2 types: ghostly (which is good for horror or scary story) or funny/comedy (which is good for anything really - chick flick, romance...).

Step Five

Where is your story going to take place? Hawaii, cold Northern Canada, or sunny Florida? This also differs depending on the atmosphere in the fourth step. Because take a look at Twilight, or Clique, it takes place at a totally diffferent atmosphere and weather.

Now put all of the pieces together, and ta-da, you can post your story right here!

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