How to Write Dialogue on Mibba

This is the way dialogue should be written on Mibba. There are variations of the "official" rules, but this is the correct way for the site.

Dialogue is when someone is speaking, most often two or more people are speaking to one another but sometimes a person can also talk to themselves, and this is known as interior monologue. On Mibba the most common way to write dialogue is by using quotation marks (“ ”) but it is also alright to write dialogue in script form if the entire story is in script form.

Dialogue in script form would be:

Anna: I’m really angry with her.

Unless writing a script, this method should not be used, and instead it should be:

“I’m really angry with her,” Anna said.

When writing dialogue which is followed by tags (he/she said, etc) a period is not used, but instead switched out for a comma. Exclamation marks and question marks do stay as they are, but the following sentence is NOT capitalized. Example:

“There’s no reasoning with her,” he said.
“Is this horse for sale?” she asked.
“I hate you!” he shouted.

When the following sentence is instead completely new and is not a continuation of the dialogue, a period is used and the following word needs to be capitalized. Example:

“I wish he would leave me alone.” She tossed her phone down angrily and hoped he wouldn’t call again.
“Anna hates him!” Her voice was loud and a tear fell from her eye.

“I” should always be capitalized without exceptions. Names are also always capitalized, regardless of whether the dialogue is followed by a tag or not.

Indentations (as normally seen in books, with a little bit of space from the beginning of the line to the beginning of a new sentence) are not used on Mibba, but paragraphs are, instead. So when writing dialogue it’s important that each new person speaking gets a new paragraph (double, with a white space in between). Example:

“Yeah, your dad will definitely be helping me clean it up this weekend.”

“If we don’t get killed by the attic-monster tonight, you mean,” Caslin muttered grimly.

“Cas, shut up,” her mother scolded, squeezing her hand tightly.

Last quote from my story Insidious.

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