How to Write a Song

For even the most seasoned writers, writing songs can be tricky business. For those of you who would like to write a song but can’t figure out how, here’s a quick tutorial on how you can do it.

Get Inspired

Inspiration can come from anywhere and it can come in many shapes and forms. You can find inspiration in television, books, films, art, your personal life, and even in other songs. Wherever you get your inspiration, make sure you hold on it because it is the number one necessity for writing a song.

Write What You Know

I know this may sound cliché but it's very true. A lot of great song artists create powerful music by writing what they know. Having family issues? Write about that! Friend issues? Write about that! Basically, anything can be turned into a song. Using your past experiences can really help in creating songs that will touch a lot of listeners.

Words Before Music

When I’m writing songs, I find it important to write some lyrics before starting on the beat. Working on the content of my song first and then creating music around that works best for me, and it might work well for you too.

Put Your Emotions Into It

Pouring your emotions into your work is a great idea for any type of creative writing, but it’s especially important when writing songs. If you’re feeling sad, depressed, angry...whatever your emotions may be, be sure to put those feelings into your music.

I hope this helped. Happy writing!

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