How to Write Sonnets in Poetry - Comments

  • academic sorority.

    academic sorority. (150)

    United Kingdom
    This is a good start, but perhaps you want to mention iambic pentameter?Iambic means that the stress of the word is on the second syllable, and pentameter is the ten syllables like you mentioned.

    Also, sonnets are not traditionally set up in three four line stanzas (quatrains), but rather they are made up of an octet (eight line stanza) and a sestet (six line stanza) plus the heroic couplet at the end. If you want to be really traditional then the start of the sestet begins with a contradiction to what has been said in the first eight lines; this is known as the turn.

    But of course like every form of poetry, sonnets are open to experimentation, and the important thing is to just have fun :)
    December 8th, 2012 at 10:50pm